Friday, September 8, 2017

Simple things

Sometimes I really dislike the city I live in, especially in the summer when the temperature can be in the triple digits. Sometimes I truly detest the state I live in, mostly due to our state level politicians. But the rest of the time, I am happy to live here.

I went for a walk at my favorite park, just outside my neighborhood. My reasons were twofold, mostly because I haven't been in months, but also to check to see if it was flooded. Oh my goodness, but it was wonderful to be there! The familiar sights, and sounds, and smells, all there for me to enjoy. I was so pleased to see that any flooding had receded, and the walking path was clear, if a little rutted. I wore a big floppy straw hat and nodded hello to all the other folks there, also taking advantage of a clear day.

It is these small things that make me love living here.

A couple of days ago my husband and I went out shopping at some local retailers. We sampled a delicious birthday cake flavored tea and I found a sexy little teacup and saucer set that is now on my Christmas wish list. We bought some fun spices at our favorite spice shop, Penzeys. I got ice cream from a recently opened vegan ice cream shop, and hubby finally got a chance to try out a coffee shop he's been wanting to go to. I tried in vain to convince him to let me bring home a sweet little kitten one of the shops had rescued; he maintained having three furry ones already at home was enough. I got a veggie hotdog and he got a burger at a burger place where we had lunch with my daughter and her wife.

Simple things.

This mug reminds me to remember, and be grateful.

The tea I am enjoying is called Happy. It is an herbal tea, and it does make me happy to sip.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The sun will come up tomorrow

Unless you live in an underground bunker, then you are aware of Hurricane Harvey and the devastation it brought. Many of my neighbors suffered tremendous loss when the floodwater rose several feet into their homes. It is sad to drive down the streets where the flooding happened and see the enormous piles of contaminated furniture and household goods.

I chose this mug today because of the sun. The waters have receded greatly in most areas, and the sunshine is most welcome.

I paired the mug with a green tea with dandelion. The dandelion is the only flower that represents the 3 celestial bodies of the sun, moon and stars. The yellow flower resembles the sun, the puff ball resembles the moon and the dispersing seeds resemble the stars. The leaves are used in salads and teas, like mine, while the roots are often used as a coffee substitute. It is a mildly bitter herb that cleanses the bloodstream and liver and increases the production of bile, and is a natural diuretic and digestive aid.